Arts & Crafts
Drop off of craft items only Wednesday, July 17, 2024 Between 2:00 PM – 6:30 PM (no food or flowers at this time)
Drop off Food and Flowers only Thursday, July 18, 2024 Between 3:00 PM – 6:30 PM (no crafts at this time)
2024 Arts & Crafts Featured Items:
- Crafts featuring The Colors and/or Sights of Fall in VT
- Food item: Baking with Apples
- King Arthur Baking Contest: Apple Cake
Click on the following document names to download:
- The 2024 Arts & Crafts Premium List
- Youth Entry Form
- Adult Entry Form
- King Arthur Rules and Application
FAQ’s for Arts and Crafts
1. How do I enter my craft into Arts and Crafts for Field Days?
In order to enter your craft you will need to bring it to the fair grounds on either Wednesday or Thursday before Field Days. Crafts are entered on Wednesday and Food and flowers are entered on Thursday. We are only able to accept entries on the designated days because of the judging schedule.
2. How are our crafts judged?
We have local community members who have experience and expertise in the areas of crafts we will be judging. They judge the craft on quality of work and award a ribbon based on that quality; Blue ribbons for excellent work, Red for good, and White for work that could be improved. Judges are asked to write on the entry cards and will hopefully write on most.
3. Can I enter more than one item?
We ask that you only enter one item per lot. Wednesday, craft items are entered. We will limit entries to 15 per person. Look at our premium list for examples of what we accept. An example of this is: if you do color photography you can enter 1 8X10, 1 5X7, and 1 collection of 3 or more related pictures.
4. Why is the number of entries limited?
We have seen an increase in entries over the last few years and our space is now limited. We are hoping to make the most of our space so all entries can be fully viewed.
5. When can I pick up my items?
You can pick up your crafts on Sunday from 4 to 5 pm. Because we have activities finishing up and an increased number of people on the grounds we are asking that you do not drive all the way into the Arts and Crafts building. We will designate a parking area inside the back gate and if you need help getting your materials back to your car please let a volunteer know.
6. Does it cost money to enter a craft?
No, in fact we will pay a premium based on the ribbon the judge awards your craft. Entering though will not get you into the fair for free.
7. Can I sell my craft?
Yes, we will put a For Sale tag on it and list it. The fair does charge 10% of the sale price. The buyer can pick up the item on Sunday and the fair will cut a check to the owner for the sale price minus 10%.
8. Do the judges taste my food?
Yes with the exception of canned vegetables which need to be cooked before eating. We will leave the majority of the item for display.
9. Are the Youth entries in a different area?
We have a youth area in the same building. We do mark the youth entries as youth and put their age on it. Their tags are salmon colored, adult are yellow. We try to use different judges or ask the judges to keep the youth’s age in account when judging. The youth are awarded either a Blue or Red ribbon.
10. What is the Best of Show (BOS)?
We look at all of the crafts in a class or category. We compare the crafts receiving a Blue ribbon and choose one that we feel is the best representative. That receives an additional ribbon and will be displayed in our Best of Show rooms for adults and youth. These are now the items that we judge for the Best of Field Days.
11. What is the Best of Field Days?
On Sunday we award a trophy to the best of field days. The best of show items for the adults will be displayed in the center show room with the exception of the foods. The youth will be in the display room on the left. We ask visitors to the building on Friday and Saturday to vote for their favorite.
12. Can I enter if I don’t live in Lamoille County?
Yes, we don’t restrict entries to residents of Lamoille County.
13. What is the featured item?
This is another area to enter any type of craft item based on the theme instead of the type of craft. It is different every year.